About Me

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This summer, I am an intern at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church in Sylva, NC through Project Connect. I will be attempting to discern whether I am being called to public ministry (ie being a pastor). This blog will cover all sorts of things I learn about, things that I find interesting and decide to pass on. It will also be about other fun stuff I am doing here in the mountains :D

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Another one bites the dust

My streak of bad luck seems to finally be coming to an end. At the beginning of this week, an ear issue had me traveling to the health center to see what was going on. They sent me home with the usual... "Oh there's nothing we can do for it. Take Sudefed and ibeprophen and it'll get better." Let's just say I was back the next day, because instead of getting better, it got worse. Now, after antibiotics and other fun stuff, I appear to be returning to healthy me.

This week has been an interesting week for me, because it's been the week of preparing my sermon. I am pleased with how it turned out and I hope everyone enjoys it tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow, my mom and sister are coming up to hear me preach :-D I can't wait to see them!

Today, PR and I went to the Sylva Quilt Show, held at the new Jackson County Library. The library looks really cool, and I can't wait to go and check out a few books. I really enjoyed looking at all the different quilts, too. There were quilts of all shapes, sizes and colors! After viewing the quilts, we went to the luncheon, where PR did the invocation. The food was not bad, especially the chocolate cake! It was cool to get to meet some of the older population of the area. There was also a fashion show, spotlighting hand-made garmets. It was really cool to see what people are able to make. I wish I could do what some of those ladies can do!

Last night, I had dinner with a few of my good friends. We ate and then played a few rounds of a board game called "Last Word." It's a really fun game to play, especially with a group of chatty college women! Then we went to the local icecream shop. Jack the Dipper's has probably 50 different Blue Bell flavors. It's always a challenge for me to decide which to choose. I usually end up getting the Southern Blackberry Cobbler. It has pieces of cobbler crust in it!! But the best thing about Jack the Dipper's is that they make their waffle cones right when you order. You can choose from either vanilla or cinnomen. Then they mold it into a cone, put your icecream in it, and hand it to you. The cone is still hot. Sometimes the icecream starts to melt!

I am really enjoying this summer. Having this specific time to be with God and to really talk with him is starting to help me figure out my path. I love working in the church, because I can always walk the 30 feet to the sanctuary and just be if I need to.

I can't believe that this summer is almost half way over! It really seems to have flown by. I'm looking forward to starting back at WCU, especially working with my students. We're getting four new participants in the program, for a total of eight students with intellectual/developmental disabilities attending college. It's really cool to see that happen.

Well, I hope you've been able to follow this somewhat random post, and I'll catch you all later!!

God's Peace


  1. Hey Tara, I hope your sermon goes well tomorrow! And I'm glad to hear the UP program is up and running again!

  2. Glad you are feeling better! There is a new library?? Oh, boy! I know, it's hard to believe that it is almost July. Wow. Looking forward to more UP adventures with everyone soon! :) (Sorry for the rambly comment.)
